Course Outline

1. Introduction

  • Traditional and agile approach
  • Agile Philosophy: Manifesto and Principles

2. Principles in Scrum

  • Introduction to the Scrum framework
  • Scrum pillars
  • Values and attitudes in Scrum

3. Roles in the Scrum team - organization of the work of an agile team

  • ScrumMaster
  • Product Owner
  • development team
  • Scrum Team environment

4. Events and process in Scrum - project/process organization in Scrum

  • Sprint structure
  • Sprint Planning
  • Daily Scrum
  • Sprint Review
  • Sprint Retrospective

5. Artifacts and process in Scrum - creating business value in Scrum - working with requirements, quality

  • Product Backlog
  • Sprint Backlog
  • increment
  • Product Backlog refinement

6. Scrum Master "on a daily basis" - selected aspects of Scrum management

  • Collaborating with people and teams
  • Scrum in the organization
  • Facilitation and coaching

7. Scalable Scrum - the basis for organizing work in many Scrum teams

  • Organization of teams
  • Scaling artifacts and events

8. Scrum Master mock tests - exam simulation

  • Scrum Framework
  • Scrum principles
  • Scrum Teams
  • Facilitation and coaching
  • Scalable Scrum

Course participants can take the PSM1 exam ( Note: The exam fee is not included in the course price (currently around $150)

Note: Throughout the course you will have the opportunity to answer mock exam questions to prepare for the PSM1 exam.

* This class is not supported or affiliated with


Delegates will be able to make the most of the class if they have studied the Scrum Guide (latest version).

 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (7)

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