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Terraform on Microsoft Azure
21 HoursAzure Synapse Analytics
14 HoursAzure Data Lake Storage Gen2
14 HoursKubernetes on Azure (AKS)
14 HoursAzure Machine Learning (AML)
21 HoursAzure CLI: Getting Started
7 HoursAzure DevOps Fundamentals
14 HoursAzure Machine Learning
14 HoursAzure Cloud Security
7 HoursIntroduction to Azure
7 HoursProgramming for IoT with Azure
14 HoursKubeflow on Azure
28 HoursMLOps for Azure Machine Learning
14 HoursLast Updated:
Ήταν πολύ αυτό που ζητήσαμε—και αρκετά ισορροπημένο περιεχόμενο και ασκήσεις που κάλυπταν τα διαφορετικά προφίλ των μηχανικών της εταιρείας που συμμετείχαν.
Arturo Sánchez - INAIT SA
Course - Microsoft Azure Infrastructure and Deployment
Machine Translated
I've got to try out resources that I've never used before.
Daniel - INIT GmbH
Course - Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions
The Exercises
Khaled Altawallbeh - Accenture Industrial SS
Course - Azure Machine Learning (AML)
πολύ φιλικό και εξυπηρετικό
Aktar Hossain - Unit4
Course - Building Microservices with Microsoft Azure Service Fabric (ASF)
Machine Translated
The practical part, I was able to perform exercises and to test the Microsoft Azure features
Alex Bela - Continental Automotive Romania SRL
Course - Programming for IoT with Azure
Practical part and interaction with students
Piotr Madej - EY Global Services (Poland) Sp. z o.o.
Course - Azure DevOps Fundamentals
Learning about Kubernetes.
Course - Kubernetes on Azure (AKS)
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Online Microsoft Azure courses, Weekend Microsoft Azure courses, Evening Azure training, Azure boot camp, Azure instructor-led, Weekend Azure training, Evening Microsoft Azure courses, MS Azure coaching, MS Azure instructor, Microsoft Azure trainer, MS Azure training courses, Microsoft Azure classes, Microsoft Azure on-site, MS Azure private courses, Microsoft Azure one on one training